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Todo List (Attribute Data)

This is useful when you render an HTML page using a server template engine like Handlebars, ERB, or Jinja. You can pass data from the server to the client using attributes upon page load. Alternatively, you can also pass data asynchronously (see Todo List - Server State).


    todos='{"data": ["Buy milk", "Buy eggs", "Buy bread"]}'
<!-- <script src="./build/cami.cdn.js"></script> -->
<!-- CDN version below -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
  const { html, ReactiveElement } = cami;

  class MyComponent extends ReactiveElement {
    todos = []

    onConnect() {
        todos: (v) => JSON.parse(v).data

    addTodo (todo) {

    deleteTodo (todo) {
      this.todos.splice(this.todos.indexOf(todo), 1);

    template() {
      return html`
        <input id="newTodo" type="text" placeholder="Enter todo title" />
        <button @click=${() => {
          const input = document.querySelector('#newTodo');
          const newTodoTitle = input.value;
          input.value = ''; // Clear the input after getting the value
        }}>Add Todo</button>
          ${, index) => html`
              <a @click=${() => this.deleteTodo(todo)}>Remove</a>


  customElements.define('cami-todo-list-from-attributes', MyComponent);