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Observable state





This function sets up an effect that is run when the observable changes

ObservableState ⇐ Observable

Kind: global class
Extends: Observable

new ObservableState(initialValue, subscriber, options)

This class extends the Observable class and adds methods for updating the value of the observable.

Param Type Default Description
initialValue any The initial value of the observable
subscriber Subscriber The subscriber to the observable
options Object Additional options for the observable
options.last boolean Whether the subscriber is the last observer


import { ObservableState } from 'cami-js';
const observable = new ObservableState(10);
console.log(observable.value); // 10

observableState.value() ⇒ any

Kind: instance method of ObservableState
Returns: any - The current value of the observable

const value = observable.value;


This method sets a new value for the observable by calling the update method with the new value.

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
newValue any The new value to set for the observable


observable.value = 20;


Merges properties from the provided object into the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
obj Object The object whose properties to merge


observable.assign({ key: 'value' });

observableState.set(key, value)

Sets a new value for a specific key in the observable's value. If the key is nested, it should be provided as a string with keys separated by dots.

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

  • Will throw an error if the observable's value is not an object
Param Type Description
key string The key to set the new value for
value any The new value to set


observable.set('key.subkey', 'new value');


Deletes a specific key from the observable's value. If the key is nested, it should be provided as a string with keys separated by dots.

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

  • Will throw an error if the observable's value is not an object
Param Type Description
key string The key to delete




Removes all key/value pairs from the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState



Adds one or more elements to the end of the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
...elements any The elements to add


observable.push(1, 2, 3);


Removes the last element from the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState



Removes the first element from the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState


observableState.splice(start, deleteCount, ...items)

Changes the contents of the observable's value by removing, replacing, or adding elements

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
start number The index at which to start changing the array
deleteCount number The number of elements to remove
...items any The elements to add to the array


observable.splice(0, 1, 'newElement');


Adds one or more elements to the beginning of the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
...elements any The elements to add




Reverses the order of the elements in the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState



Sorts the elements in the observable's value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
[compareFunction] function The function used to determine the order of the elements


observable.sort((a, b) => a - b);

observableState.fill(value, [start], [end])

Changes all elements in the observable's value to a static value

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Default Description
value any The value to fill the array with
[start] number 0 The index to start filling at
[end] number this.__value.length The index to stop filling at


observable.fill('newElement', 0, 2);

observableState.copyWithin(target, start, [end])

Shallow copies part of the observable's value to another location in the same array

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Default Description
target number The index to copy the elements to
start number The start index to begin copying elements from
[end] number this.__value.length The end index to stop copying elements from


observable.copyWithin(0, 1, 2);


This method adds the updater function to the pending updates queue. It uses a synchronous approach to schedule the updates, ensuring the whole state is consistent at each tick. This is done to batch multiple updates together and avoid unnecessary re-renders.

Kind: instance method of ObservableState

Param Type Description
updater function The function to update the value


observable.update(value => value + 1);


Calls the complete method of all observers.

Kind: instance method of ObservableState


effect(effectFn) ⇒ function

This function sets up an effect that is run when the observable changes

Kind: global function
Returns: function - A function that when called, unsubscribes from all dependencies and runs cleanup function

Param Type Description
effectFn function The function to call for the effect


// Assuming `effectFn` is a function that is called when the observable changes
const effectFunction = effect(effectFn);


The tracker object is used to keep track of dependencies for the effect function. It provides a method to add a dependency (an observable) to the dependencies set. If the observable is not already a dependency, it is added to the set and a subscription is created to run the effect function whenever the observable's value changes. This mechanism allows the effect function to respond to state changes in its dependencies.

Kind: inner constant of effect


The _runEffect function is responsible for running the effect function and managing its dependencies. Before the effect function is run, any cleanup from the previous run is performed and the current tracker is set to this tracker. This allows the effect function to add dependencies via the tracker while it is running. After the effect function has run, the current tracker is set back to null to prevent further dependencies from being added outside of the effect function. The effect function is expected to return a cleanup function, which is saved for the next run. The cleanup function, initially empty, is replaced by the one returned from effectFn (run by the observable) before each new run and on effect disposal.

Kind: inner method of effect

effect~dispose() ⇒ void

Unsubscribes from all dependencies and runs cleanup function

Kind: inner method of effect

// Assuming `dispose` is the function returned by `effect`
dispose(); // This will unsubscribe from all dependencies and run cleanup function